The biggest feature of high density polyethylene panels
Henan OKAY is a high-tech industrial plastics factory located in Henan, China. The factory provides semi-finished and finished products such as HDPE/UHMWPE sheets. Polyethylene PE (PE) is a thermoplastic transparent polymer with high chemical resistance. Its raw material is the simplest olefin – ethylene gas. Polyethylene is obtained by polymerizing ethylene at low and high pressure in the form of 2 to 5 mm particles. Polyethylene is the most widely used plastic and is used in the production of packaging materials, capacitor devices, and containers. This is one of the oldest polymers, and today it is still an indispensable material for the production of special films, bags, containers, cans and more. Despite technological developments and the introduction of new materials, the importance of polyethylene has not diminished, but, on the contrary, the demand for it has only increased.
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